[galleries] iXem @ Superfici Sonore #3

Faculty of Architecture, Florence (I), 25-27.06.2003


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What is iXem?

iXem is a collective formed by many italian musicians which share its topics with anyone fond of contemporary experimental arts. It focus mostly on any form of contact among technology, real world, sound and images.


What is Superfici Sonore?

Superfici Sonore is a festival organised by the Flatland association, a group of students from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Florence.


What has happened?

Having reached its third edition, Superfici Sonore has housed iXem for a series of meetings, shows and workshops which have disclosed the complexity and the peculiarities of the italian experimental scene.

The festival took place as usual in the lecturehalls of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Florence (Italy) from 25th to 27th June 2003.

Mornings and afternoons were dedicated to thematic discussions, mostly regarding topics about the essence and the projects of the iXem collective.

The evenings (from 5:00 pm) showcased the A-Team Sound System, a super-group involving most of the iXem members who joined their forces and produced a continuous sound flux. A particular attention was given to the spatialization of sound courtesy of a multi-channel diffusion system.

The nights were kept busy with specific exhibitions by some of the iXem artists who presented their most recent projects. All events were free and open to the public.


The musicians

The following iXem musicians and performers took part to Superfici Sonore #3:

aal, Arg, Andrea Belfi, BJM, Gabriella Cerritelli, Der Einzige/Hue, (etre), Fhievel, Kilroy, Lucio Garau e Marina Faggioli, Giuseppe Ielasi, Laborintus, Pierpaolo Leo, Logoplasm, Elio Martusciello, Andrea Marutti, Moax, Mylicon/EN, Alessandro Olla, Mauro Orselli and Ada Catanzaro, Stefano Pilia, Punck, Rcf, Renato Rinaldi, Claudio Rocchetti, Barbara Sansone, Domenico Sciajno, Fabio Selvafiorita, Luca Sigurtà, S.talker Inc, Talk Show Host, Valerio Tricoli.


The Program

25th June, Wednesday

11:00 am / 01:00 pm, Lecturehall 19
- iXem and the italian music festivals
- iXem and the critics, press, mass medias
2:00 pm / 5:00 pm, Lecturehall 19
- iXem inner relations
- The iXem structure
5:00 pm / 8:00 pm, Lecturehall 18
the iXem A-Team
- Kilroy / (etre)
- Mauro Orselli /Ada Catanzaro
- Laborintus
- Valerio Tricoli / Giuseppe Ielasi / Claudio Rocchetti / Renato Rinaldi / Domenico Sciajno / Andrea Belfi
9:00 pm / 00:00 am, Lecturehall 9
live sets
- Talk Show Host
- Andrea Marutti
- Logoplasm
- S.talker Inc


26th June, Thursday

11:00 am / 01:00 pm, Lecturehall 19
- Creation of the iXem common archives
- Promoting and spreading iXem
2:00 pm / 5:00 pm, Lecturehall 19
- Creation of the iXem Italian Live Network
- iXem "'Spot on"
5:00 pm / 8:00 pm, Lecturehall 18
the iXem A-Team
- Andrea Marutti / Talk Show Host / Kilroy
- Logoplasm / Claudio Rocchetti / Valerio Tricoli
- Talk Show Host / Laborintus / Alessandro Olla / BJM
- Renato Rinaldi / Andrea Belfi / Rcf / Mauro Orselli
9:00 pm / 00:00 am, Lecturehall 9
live sets
- Pierpaolo Leo
- Luca Sigurtà
/ Fhievel
- Domenico Sciajno / Giuseppe Ielasi feat. Gabriella Cerritelli
- Lucio Garau / Marina Faggioli


27th June, Friday

11:00 am / 01:00 pm, Lecturehall 19
press conference
- The iXem collective explained in detail its own projects
2:00 pm / 5:00 pm, Lecturehall 19
- Self-funding forms
- iXem and the Institutions
5:00 pm / 8:00 pm, Lecturehall 18
the iXem A-Team
- Mylicon/EN
- (etre) / Fhievel / Domenico Sciajno
- Der Einzige (Hue)
- Elio Martusciello / Arg
- Andrea Marutti / Fhievel / Luca Sigurtà / Giuseppe Ielasi / Logoplasm
9:00 pm / 00:00 am, Lecturehall 9
live sets
- Punck
- Andrea Belfi
/ Rcf
- Valerio Tricoli / Claudio Rocchetti / Renato Rinaldi / Andrea Belfi / Stefano Pilia + Rcf
- (etre)



For more details about iXem please feel free to get in touch:


or visit:
