[releases] afe107lcd
daniele brusaschetto &
benny braaten: Db9

  Artist: Daniele Brusaschetto & Benny Braaten
Title: Db9
Format: CD-R ltd. to 100 copies in pro-printed cardboard sleeve
Tracks: 4
Playing time: 40:49
Release date: October 2008
File under: Experimental / Industrial / Noise

Track List:

1.  Uno  8:30

2.  Due  10:26

3.  Tre  11:33

4.  Quatro  10:18



Daniele Brusaschetto spent his teens playing with hardcore and trash/death metal bands, then he got involved with Mudcake (noise-rock / sick-jazz) and Whip (dark-rock / industrial). At the same time he was also part of the situationist / avantgarde improvisers Down! All these groups lasted too short to be remembered by the public.

Since the mid 90s he started to play and record as a solo artist. His first 7" vinyl EP "Paturnie" was published in 1996. The next year he gave life to ZZZ Productions, the label released his debut CD album "Bellies/Pance".

American label RRR co-produced "Bellies/Pance" and the following CD "Mamma fottimi" (1999). His third album entitled "Bluviola" (2001) was also released in the USA by Radon Studio.

His fourth solo CD entitled "Poesia totale dei muscoli" (Total Poetry of Muscles) was released by his newest label Bosco Rec in collaboration with Bar La Muerte and Radon Studio.
"Mezza luna piena" (Half full-moon) was released during summer 2005 by Bosco Rec and Bar La Muerte.

Bosco Rec has also released his latest CD album "Circonvoluzioni" in winter 2007, while Blossoming Noise has recently published a stunning collection of brutal remixes he did for OvO.

Benny Braaten is better known as B9 and Origami Galaktika. This project saw the light during Christmas 1994 when Benny recorded what was to become the first LP "Stjernevandring" in cooperation with his younger brother Kjell Øyvind.

Origami Galaktika is one of the more prolific underground ambient acts to rise out of Norway, alongside names like Deathprod and Biosphere.

Having toured both Europe and America with acts such as The Legendary Pink Dots, B9 is a lot more than just some guy sitting in his room with a sampler.

Famed for utilizing sound sources from obscure places like Estlandic caves and Norwegian glaciers, B9's music is as unclassifiable as it is unique, yet it has a strong identity of its own.

Origami Galaktika's music was released on labels such as
Black Orchid Productions, Speeding Across My Hemisphere, Staalplaat, Jester Records, Vendlus, Purple Soil and many others.

"Db9" is a collaborative album between Daniele and Benny delving in noise territory, here's a few words about it by Daniele brusaschetto himself:

"I got to know Benny by mail sometimes during the '90s and in January 1998 we shared the stage for the first time in Turin, Italy. In October 2004 Benny was in Italy again to play gigs as Origami Galaktika, he stayed at my place for a few days and on such occasion we recorded "Db9"
. For this work Mr. Origami fed a bass guitar and some field-recordings to various pedals/effects, I recorded the session and subsequently manipulated the result. The title stands for "Daniele Brusaschetto Benny" as his name is spelled just like "b9" in Norvegian."


"...No second class sounds, and above all no insipid quasi-industrial, noise repetitions but we've four tracks that betray a style that's been growing thru many listenings of experimental heavy music meant in the most broad sense you can signify it. I could mention Coil, Zoviet France, Maurizio Bianchi, Nurse With Wound, and many others but there's no particular reference, judging from some of the sounds you have the impression these two musicians are coming from there. You pass from the rough distant noises of the first two tracks to to the obsessive bass frequency of the third one and then to the kraut-industrial closing chapter that makes you feel like the grey of the mid eighties is back for worse: "Everyday is like Sunday, Everyday is silent and grey", here it is!"
Chain D.L.K. [more]

"Personen, welche zeitlose Tonkunst genießen wollen, die sich nicht wie Einheitsbrei verschlingen lässt, sondern Ecken und Kanten beim Hören transportiert, sollten sich "Db9" von Daniele Brusaschetto and Benny Braaten unbedingt zulegen – meine Empfehlung!"

Kultur Terrorismus [more]

"This noise collaboration does a lot of damage in four songs. Recorded in Italy at Brusaschetto's house while Braaten was touring there under the Origami Galaktika moniker, "Db9" (a play on both Brusaschetto's name and Braaten's other project, B9) is pedal effects heavy, mostly recorded by Braaten on bass and field recordings, and later knob-twisted by Brusaschetto. Surprisingly, for such a process, the four tracks are not all that repetitive, nor are they pure noise. There is a feel of direction and purpose, and progression, rather than merely a loop, of sounds... Daniele Brusaschetto and Benny Braaten are both veterans of the ambient and noise wars. Their various solo projects attest to their mutual interest in sound collage that builds off of random sounds yet find a common thread within those sounds to create new experiments in volume. "Db9" is adventurous but approachable, and fascinating at each turn."

Foxy Digitalis [more]

"...Nonostante le loro esperienze passate siano diverse, Daniele Brusaschetto e Benny Brateen sono riusciti a creare un collage di sonorità che va oltre la nostra concezione di sperimentazione del suono. In "Db9" assaporerete quaranti minuti di totale inquietudine dove peripezie spettacolari vi faranno girare la testa. Le prime due tracce aprono tale costruzione musicale camminando su sentieri noise per poi sviare nel brano dal titolo "Tre" in vicoli ciechi dove le frequenze di basso rimbombano e si fanno più ossessive. Ma l'ostacolo più arduo da superare è quello conclusivo nel quale si raggiungono le altezze più vertiginose dell'industrial..."
Dagheisha [more]

"Nel 2004, Benny Braaten si ritrova ospite per alcuni giorni nell'appartamento torinese di Daniele Brusaschetto.. Naturale effettuare delle registrazioni. Brusaschetto dietro ai cursori a tener a bada i livelli, Braaaten che armeggia, alternandosi, fra sezioni di basso in disfacimento e field recordings strapazzati da pedali ed effetti. Brusaschetto congela l'attimo osserva e riflette sul da farsi. Parecchio tempo dopo, riprende in mano il materiale in questione, e lo manipola e martella bellamente. Ne vien fuori questo "Db9". Albo atipico, dove Brusaschetto accantona la sua vena cantautoriale/disastrata, e si dedica ad emulsionar fra loro, queste ampie distese, ambient/noise/isolazioniste. Territori conosciuti per il buon Daniele, pane quotidiano per Braaten. Ovvio e conseguenziale, che il lavoro in questione, tenda ad esser inserito, in un contesto industrial/sperimentale. Senza (tutto sommato...), infierire più di tanto, sulle orecchie sfrante del povero ascoltatore. Sequenze cupe, feedback barcollanti, reiterazioni pulsanti, voci ed infiltrazioni del mondo esterno. Fra Pan Sonic incattiviti, e brancolamenti Voice Crack, ostico, ipnotico e non letale..."
Kathodik [more]

"Brusaschetto si muove da anni in ambito sperimentale in Italia e all'estero: se uno non ne conosce la carriera solista, potrebbe comunque averne sentito parlare nel caso segua gli OvO (li ha remixati) e l'etichetta Bar La Muerte. Il nome Braaten potrebbe anche non suggerire nulla, ma già il suo progetto principe Origami Galaktika dovrebbe accendere una lampadina nella testa degli appassionati di ambient (ricordo un paio di uscite per la Jester Records degli Ulver). L'incontro tra i due avviene proprio su di un terreno ambient/industrial, ma così è quasi come non dire niente. In buona sostanza c'è un tappeto di "suoni trovati" a fare da base e a caratterizzare tutto il disco, che soprattutto verso la sua seconda metà prende più vita grazie all'entrata definitiva in gioco del basso distorto e al ricorso a loop più aggressivi..."
Audiodrome [more]