[reviews] afe068lcd
subinterior: the chrysalis secret

aural pressure []
webzine, u.k., july 2006

"The Chrysalis Secret" marks the fourth (or fifth release if you include the "Outfall + Insomnie") double header) from noted Milan artist Andrea Freschi. This multi-talented artist creates music by capturing every day sounds and field recordings onto his mini-disc recorder and then processes them through his computer at home on suitable music software.

On this latest release he has taken the atmospheres produced by millers, lapping wheels, lathes, industrial refrigeration plants, safety doors and other unusual sources for his inspiration. The results fall (as you would petty much expect them to) into the dark ambient / experimental musical spheres. The overall effect though is aurally dynamic to say the least.

"The Chrysalis Secret" basically follows on from the previous Subinterior releases, namely "Obstacles" and "Outfall + Insomnie", which I also had the immense pleasure in reviewing. Everything said on those two reviews still holds true for this latest release. No bad thing it must be noted by the way.

The music spread over the 3 tracks confirming my assertions to the creative forces bestowed upon the artist. The three pieces have a dark isolationist feel about them. Even the noises generated by clanking metal - sounding more akin to the light tolling of bells - appear fraught with an unknown aspect. These fairly intense and heady atmospheres are stamped forcibly throughout, creating a moving and thought provoking style of music that, in the end, is highly unusual though remaining very approachable at the same time.

Of course this method of experimentation with sound is nothing new. There have been many artists, past and present, who have worked with manipulating natural sound sources to create this new wave of music. The line between success and failure being very thin and divided more on how the listener actually perceives the end result.

Andrea Freschi's experimental leanings, for they can be called no less, has a more general mass appeal as he doesn't alienate the listener by introducing facets which intrude on the soundscapes he has created. Instead he strives to create an ambience at one with the audience. A dark ambience that totally envelops and captivates and which holds so many hidden surprises. And this is why you should reach out and try this for yourself.

If only it was that easy. For Afe Records have sadly released this as a limited edition 100 copies only. I have nothing more to add on that subject. Read into my silence what you will. All I can add is that if you get the opportunity to own a copy of "The Chrysalis Secret" then please do so. It may not be the greatest release ever but the time spent with this pays its own dividends. Experimental dark ambient music has never sounded so good.