[artists] ellende


Releases on Afe:
Heroin [afe50012]

On the web:

Ellende is some kind of mysterious project whose current members remain unknown... It appears like this outfit is based on an organization diagram where a few core founder members (...one of them is rumoured to be a Dutch architect currently living in Tokyo...) assemble music provided by other anonymous participants, or shape new tracks from a large stock of archived material...

Information retrieved from the Internet suggest that Ellende ("Misery" in Dutch and Afrikaans) exist since some fifteen years and that they operated without a proper name until a few years ago.

Most of the concepts for their releases are based on the writings of Wim Bontjes, an Ellende founder member who died in 1995.

Ellende create a unique brand of mostly drone-based music and their compositions are often mixed with strange and otherworldly noises/effects, voices, percussive sounds, etc.

They fastly got a very strong reputation in the Dark Ambient / Experimental scene thanks to a bunch of CD-R and MP3 limited edition releases on many labels all over the world such as Tosom, Fukk God Lets Create, Zeromoon, Taâlem, Mystery Sea, Stridulum Recordings, Somnambulant Corpse and more.

"Heroin" was released by Afe in December 2004.